Put on Leave, Magistrate Judge Is Reportedly Arrested After Courthouse Standoff
Corrected: A magistrate judge in Catoosa County, Ga., was reportedly arrested and briefly jailed today after a courthouse standoff with sheriff’s deputies.
Judge Anthony Peters apparently barricaded himself in his office after being put on paid administrative leave for unspecified reasons and asked to leave the courthouse by Chief Magistrate Sonny Caldwell, according to News Channel 9 and WRCB.
Channel 9 says Peters was arrested for trespassing, but that charge may be dropped. Meanwhile, an investigation continues.
Neither article includes any comment from Peters or his counsel.
An earlier version of the Channel 9 story said that Peters had been fired, but the station now says that information was incorrect.
Corrected at 8:06 p.m. to accord with revised News Channel 9 article stating that Peters is on leave but was not fired.