Driver posts YouTube video of 24-minute drive around 26-mile Manhattan loop, resulting in arrest
A driver who posted a YouTube video of his record-breaking 24-minute, 7-second drive around a 26.4-mile loop in Manhattan has been arrested, police say.
Christopher Adam Tang, 30, was charged with reckless driving, reckless endangerment, speeding, traffic device violation, following too close and moving from lane unsafely, according to My Fox New York and WABC. His 2006 BMW Z4 was impounded.
The video, taken from a dashboard-mounted camera, shows the driver did stop for six red lights, notes the New York Daily News.
In an interview with Jalopnik, which questioned why he hadn’t waited at least a year before posting evidence of the Aug. 26 run, the then-unknown driver replied: “You frankly can’t identify who I am by just looking at the video, and records were meant to be broken. I’ll release my name a year from now.”
Police, however, soon slapped the cuffs on Tang.
“We’ve seen this before. We’ve taken enforcement action,” said New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly of the Aug. 28 YouTube video, prior to Tang’s arrest. “We now have license-plate readers that will help in this investigation.”
Hat tip: Daily Mail.
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