Question of the Week

How long is your work commute, door to door?

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The League of American Bicyclists has declared that this week is National Bike to Work Week—and Friday, May 17, is National Bike to Work Day.

It’s feasible for some of us to bike to work, and for some of us, bicycling may even be the fastest way to get there. But most of us choose our mode of transportation based on what takes us the least amount of time. So this week, we’d like to ask you: Door to door, how long is your commute? Do you consider yourself to have a “good” commute that is not too long? If there is a faster way for you to get to work that you don’t utilize, why do you forgo it?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: How long does it take you to get down to work after you arrive at your office?


Image from Shutterstock.

Featured answer:

Posted by Mav: “It takes me no more than 4 seconds (long enough to sit down) now that I work for the state. At the big firm, it took me half an hour because I’d arrive later and by then my email had blown up, plus I was groggy from working until 2 a.m., and besides I knew I was only billing the time I worked and that I’d be at the office until after midnight anyway. Now I feel I’m essentially billing the state by the time I walk in, so I must be productive, not to mention we have so many cases, I have my tasks lined up before I leave the night before and I better get to them before my (non-exempt) staff and investigators leave promptly at 4:30 p.m. At the firm, I knew I’d have resources available all night long.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.