Question of the Week

Do you act like a lawyer with your family and friends?

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Lawyers are often taught in their careers to develop proper communication, analytical and research skills; to be able to pay attention to detail; and to have plenty of resilience and self-confidence.

But sometimes your lawyer tendencies show themselves in your home and personal life. In your spare time, you may find yourself doing background checks on people, questioning your children like they’re on the witness stand, or even demolishing a family member in a debate at the dinner table.

This week, we’d like to ask: Do you act like a lawyer with your family and friends? If so, do you think it’s helped or harmed your relationships with others?

Answer in the comments on our social media channels via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Check out last week’s question: What essay questions do you remember from the bar exam?

And view some of last week’s answers from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Featured answer:

Posted by Judy Resnick on LinkedIn:

“What’s funny is that I remember not my July 1990 bar exam but the essay question from the June 1986 LSAT. The essay posited placing sculptures in a playground for children. I discussed the possibility of the children getting hurt. After the LSAT, a fellow candidate made a derogatory remark about how a ‘Jewish mother’ would have answered the question. I responded sharply that I was a Jewish mother myself, and I had no problem writing the essay. I guess I did well enough on the essay and on the LSAT because I was admitted to (and eventually graduated from) Harvard Law School, Class of 1990.”

Do you have an idea for a future Question of the Week? If so, contact us.