Family Law

Divorced Couple Ordered to Split Custody of Family Dog

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A divorced couple has been ordered by a judge to share custody of Lucky, their beloved 16-pound Lhasa apso.

Gayle and Craig Myers, who have no children, will alternate possession of the pup every six months, after retired Prince George’s County Circuit Judge Graydon S. McKee III, issued the unusual ruling, reports the Baltimore Daily Record.

“It was very clear that both of them love this dog equally,” McKee said. “The only fair thing to do was to give each one an equal chance to share in the love of the dog.”

Family pets are treated as jointly owned marital property under Maryland law and had the parties disagreed to the judge’s resolution, McKee said Lucky might have been put in a trustee’s care and sold, with the proceeds of the sale divided between the splitting spouses.

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