Criminal Justice

Claimed Anonymous member takes plea in law firm computer hacking case

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A 21-year-old who claimed to be a member of the Anonymous hacking collective took a plea Monday in a case over an alleged unauthorized intrusion into a Pittsburgh law firm’s computer.

Matthew James West pleaded guilty to unlawful trafficking in computer passwords and reckless damage to a protected computer, both misdemeanors. A federal prosecutor said he got a password from a fired law firm worker, then used it to get additional passwords as others logged in, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports. The law firm is identified only by the initials VG.

The fired worker, identified by Assistant U.S. Attorney James Kitchen as Alyson Cunningham, as well as her husband, Jonathan Cunningham, have pleaded not guilty to similar charges.

See also: “Fired Law Firm Worker Is Charged with Hacking into Server” “Federal Judge Nixes Smartphones for Fired Worker and Hubby Accused of Hacking Law Firm’s Computer”