Can You Think of Any 'Delightful Client Malapropisms' That You've Heard?
Last week on the ABA Solosez email discussion list, readers started a thread about “delightful client malapropisms.” One example, which the poster says was from a client intake interview:
“I asked a client about a previous case on his record. I mentioned the charge (drug trafficking) and asked him what happened with the case. He said, ‘oh, they gave me treatment in luau.’ “
So this week, we’re asking you: Can you think of any “delightful client malapropisms” you’ve heard and would like to share with our readers?
Answer in the comments.
Read the answers to last week’s question: If You Had a Do-Over, Which Classes Would You Spend More Time on or Take in Law School?
Featured answer:
Posted by Lee: “I took WAY too many constitutional law courses. In over 15 years of practice, I’ve had only ONE case that substantively involved the U.S. Constitution. In contrast, I took WAY too few courses in the commercial and tax areas. In fact, I took NO tax courses, and you guessed it, my very first case involved a federal estate tax law dispute.”
Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, please contact us.
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