Personal Lives

California Lawyer Loses 300 Pounds and Climbs Kilimanjaro

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Mount Kilimanjaro. Image from Shutterstock.

California lawyer David McCaslin has climbed a mountain both figuratively and literally.

McCaslin, a Yuba City personal injury lawyer, reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro this summer, according to the Appeal Democrat. Before he was able to achieve that lifelong dream, however, he lost more than 300 pounds.

“My biggest failure was my weight, and now it’s turned into my biggest success,” McCaslin told the Appeal Democrat.

He decided to get serious about losing weight in October 2010, a time of emotional turmoil, the story says. McCaslin’s father, his law partner, had recently died; and his wife, Lisa, was recovering from cancer. The couple decided to follow the weight loss advice in a book co-authored by Dr. Mehmet Oz titled YOU: On a Diet.

The couple stopped eating foods with high-fructose corn syrup and white flour, and they added protein to their diet. David McCaslin started to exercise, starting with walks close to his home. As he lost weight, McCaslin began to jog and spent four hours at a time at the gym.

McCaslin climbed the mountain with Lisa. “There was elation of having been almost an invalid to being on Kilimanjaro with my wife,” he told the publication.