Constitutional Law

Bill to Nullify Federal Health Care Law Introduced in Idaho; Other Lawmakers May Follow

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Two Idaho GOP lawmakers want their state to be a federal-health-care-law free zone.

The lawmakers, Vito Barbieri and Judy Boyle, have introduced a bill that would make President Obama’s health-care law null and void within state boundaries, according to the The legislation would bar state workers from collaborating with the federal government on health reform measures, and sets a penalty of up to six months in jail for violators.

“If we decide it is settled law that the federal government can do anything it wants against state priorities,” Barbieri told a legislative committee on Wednesday, “we might as well just get rubber stamps.”

Lawmakers in several other states may follow suit, the Associated Press reports. The idea is being considered in Alabama, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, Montana, Oregon, Nebraska, Texas and Wyoming.

According to AP, “the efforts are completely unconstitutional in the eyes of most legal scholars.”

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