
Another Attorney Leaves the Law to Drive a Cupcake Truck

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Inspired by a New York attorney who started his own business driving a cupcake truck, a Pennsylvania lawyer is also tasting the sweets of cupcake-selling success.

Kate Carrara now offers her Buttercream Philadelphia cupcakes from a converted mail truck she found on eBay and painted a creamy white with sprinkles. Like her Big Apple counterpart, she is using Twitter to help potential customers keep track of where to find her truck, according to Temple News.

A graduate of the University of San Francisco School of Law, she practiced for a time in Scranton at the law firm her grandfather founded, Lenahan & Dempsey.

Despite her interest in human rights law, she doesn’t miss practice, Carrara says. “I can really use my truck, my Twitter and my following to get people to [do] stuff that I think is important. Maybe that’s a little power trip-y [or] Oprah-ish of me, but if I could get my customers to care about important issues, maybe the next stop for me is a book club.”

Earlier coverage:

ABA Journal: “Quick! Hail Me a Cupcake” “Law Grad Turns to Cupcake Truck as Economy Sputters”