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'Failing Law Schools' Author Challenges Law Schools to Make Dramatic Changes

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Failing Law Schools
June 15, 2012
List Price: $25

ABA Journal Business of Law Reporter Rachel Zahorsky talks with Brian Z. Tamanaha, author of Failing Law Schools, on the need for new law school models that reflect today’s reality, where the six-figure cost of a J.D. is grossly disproportionate to the economic benefits for most graduates. Tamanaha proposes updated accreditation standards and federal lending programs, and challenges prospective students, their parents and Congress to demand the critical changes necessary to preserve the future of the profession.


The National Law Journal: “Book Gives Law Schools Failing Grade”

TaxProf Blog: “Jim Chen Reviews Brian Tamanaha’s New Book, Failing Law Schools

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In This Podcast:

<p>Brian Z. Tamanaha</p>

Brian Z. Tamanaha

Brian Z. Tamanaha is the William Gardiner Hammond Professor of Law at Washington University Law in St. Louis. He is the author of Failing Law Schools.

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